
A 4-day immersion experience into the issues of poverty, addiction, and homelessness


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Launch into a radical faith adventure as your group explores the inner city and God’s power at work in the midst of its challenges.

ENGAGE takes participants on a journey into God’s story in the Screen Shot 2014-04-15 at 8.46.07 AMinner city to remind us of who God created us to be and why He put us here on the earth.  Participants are immersed in urban communities to engage the issues of homelessness, poverty, and addiction, and participate in projects of renewal and community transformation.  In this 4-day experience, participants will see first hand what it means to make an impact in our community in very simple ways.

During your Engage Mission Experience, you will have the opportunity to serve those that are homeless in ways that are sustainable, practical, and transformative.  Whether it be preparing or serving a hot meal, listening to people’s story, distributing hygiene kits in homeless camps,  or helping clean our homeless shelter alongside someone who has chosen the path to get off the streets, you will not only meet the physical and spiritual needs of men, women and children who are in a vulnerable time of transition but also learn about the incredible impact you can have by serving a population that is often rejected and overlooked.Screen Shot 2014-04-15 at 8.48.01 AM

Through the Engage Mission Experience you will have an opportunity to hear first-hand the stories of the men in Cityteam’s recovery program and how their lives are being transformed.  You may get an opportunity to attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting hosted by the men in Cityteam’s Recovery Program, work alongside these men as they serve the homeless, and participate in Discovery Bible Studies and a worship service facilitated by these men on their journey to recovery.

Screen Shot 2014-04-15 at 8.49.29 AMCityteam Family Services helps meet the critical needs of community members living below the poverty line by providing them with the resources they need to overcome the hardships they are facing and to break out of the cycle of poverty.  We distribute food boxes, backpacks filled with school supplies, clothing, household goods and furniture to families in need throughout the south Bay Area.  During your Engage Mission Experience, you will have an opportunity to work alongside Cityteam staff and volunteers to help prepare and distribute vital resources for families living below the poverty line.

Your group will experience the city like never before, seeing both the problems and the solutions, and begin to see the power of love transform even the hardest heart.  You’ll walk away from the ENGAGE MISSION EXPERIENCE educated, inspired, empowered, and ready to be part of God’s amazing solution.

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